Using our assessment system we are able to tailor the curriculum for each class. Click on the link below to see our curriculum pathways.
At KS4 our pupils are able to choose from a range of options. Click on the link below to see our KS4 Options Prospectus.
All classes will have access to different curriculums. We use the best research-based curriculum’s, utilising specialist curriculum designs.
Curriculum Intent
What are we aiming to achieve?
At Foxfields our curriculum intent is as follows:
‘A tailored curriculum designed to prepare our pupils to be confident and successful individuals who make outstanding progress and are prepared for life after school.’
What does our curriculum look like?
At Foxfields we provide our pupils with a tailored curriculum in order to promote learning, personal growth and development. It includes, not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but also the range of extra curricular activities that the school organises, to enrich the experience for our pupils.
We aim to teach pupils how to grow into positive, responsible people, who can work and co-operate with others, whilst developing knowledge and skills, so that they achieve their true potential and are prepared for life after school.
At Foxfields, we believe that all pupils have the right to access a stimulating and enjoyable curriculum which includes:
– Breadth of learning areas and experience
– Clear sequential nature of each curriculum
– The ability to respond to feedback regularly through hinge questions and ACE’s lessons
– Relevance to the pupil’s experience, aptitude and interest
– Differentiation through teaching styles and contexts, making use of differentiation keys.
– Relevant and timely academic interventions ran by our intervention lead.
– Progress and continuity that is flexible, rather than prescribed
– Opportunities to promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
– Opportunities to promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
ACE’s (Assessment, Completion and Extension)
Every pupil completes an ACE’s lesson each week. This gives the pupil a chance to respond to teacher marking and feedback.
These could be as follows –Assessment – Pupils can assess their own work and then improve upon this.
Completion – Pupils have the ability to catch up on any missed work.
Extension – Pupils will be provide with the opportunity further enhance their knowledge of a particular topic.
Following research by the EEF, we use purposeful and responsive marking to ensure pupils can focus on moving learning forward. Click on the link below for more information from the EEF.
Emotional Regulation and Wellbeing
Pupils emotional regulation will play a key role in ensuring that they are prepared for life after school. The curriculum at Foxfields provides additional time on activities such as Theraplay and mindfulness in order to support pupils to regulate their behaviours and develop skills to enhance their mental wellbeing not only now but in their future.
Enrichment/Forest School
At Foxfields we understand the value of outdoor learning in preparing pupils for life after school. Our enrichment programme provides the opportunity for pupils to learn outside of the classroom. Activities can range from local nature walks through to rock climbing and canoeing. On site at Foxfields we have the benefit of our own woodland area and pupils are able to access forest school sessions. These sessions support pupils in developing confidence, creativity and leadership.
Alongside the curriculum offer, we feel it is vital to provide pupils with a variety of therapies to support them in their individual development as well as curriculum access. Therapy sessions take place throughout the day, which are invaluable in providing the enhanced provision required to support our pupils.
A list of therapies on offer can be seen below:
• Counselling
• Art Therapy
• Lego Based Therapy
• Equine Therapy
• Music Therapy
• Occupational Therapy