Foxfields Academy is part of C.I.T Academies
0116 344 0343

Friends of Foxfields

Foxfields Academy

Welcome to
‘Friends & Families of Foxfields’

We are a parent, staff and friend association that raises funds for Foxfields Academy.

Scroll down for:
– About Us
– Meet the team
– Current fundraisers
– Future fundraisers
– Meeting Minutes

About Us

We are a relatively young PTA (September 2023). We are members of ‘Parentkind’ (Membership No. 173657), and we are currently in the process of applying for charity status.

Our purpose is to develop effective relationships between staff and parents, whilst engaging in activities to raise funds for facilities or equipment which support the school to advance the education of pupils.

We organise events throughout the academic year, varying from raffles to easter egg hunts to clothing collections.

We have a fantastic Chairperson, Becky Driver, who is very proactive. Becky is a parent and governor at the school and is supported by a varied committee. We are always networking and building relationships with local businesses and members of the community, to promote our cause.

Since September we have raised over £780 to help fund new books for the library and outdoor play equipment. Our fundraising continues….

There are monthly meetings held to plan our events and these are attended by our hardworking and dedicated team of members.

If you are interested in joining ‘Friends & Families of Foxfields’, please get in touch by clicking the button below. Thank you!

Get in touch

Meet the team

Becky Driver


Ashley Caress


Toby Ellis


Sue Harris-Ensor


Fiona Tulloch


Kat Merrigan


Our first ever

Family Fun Day

is coming on Saturday 29th June 2024.
Everyone is welcome!

Other fundraisers on the go…

Empties Please

Please send your empty ink cartridges into school. We can then recycle them for cash whilst saving the environment at the same time!

learn more


A free eco-friendly fundraising scheme that helps us raise funds through textile recycling as well as spreading textile recycling awareness. Please send into school bagged your unwanted clothes, shoes, bags, jewellery, and household linen.

learn more

Future fundraisers on the way…

New Noticeboard

A new PTA noticeboard is being created in the staffroom.

New Newsletter

A brand-new PTA newsletter will soon be being published termly.

Meeting Minutes

12th Jan 2024

Click to view

10th Nov 2023

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13th Oct 2023

Click to view

29th Sept 2023

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