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Parent and Carer Area

Foxfields Academy

Parent and Carer Area

“80.75% of students say their parents help them to make key careers decisions“

This section of the Foxfields Academy website is aimed at helping parents and carers source information to help support young people in their future decisions. Below you will find three helpful sections; information about education options, types of jobs and local opportunities. Talking Futures provide free resources, activities and practical guidance to help you support your child’s careers and education choices.

Education options

There are a variety of educational routes available to students when they leave Foxfields Academy. Click the link below to find out more.

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National careers

Students who have a vision of where they want to be in the future may find it easier to plan their next steps more easily. To help students and parents to get an idea of what types of jobs are out there we would suggest looking at the information below.

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