Here is some of the work that we’ve been compelting in school.
Foxfields Academy
Are you ready for March 6th?...
This year, to celebrate World Book Day, we will be focusing on the book series ‘Little People, Big Dreams’. Through exploring these books throughout the day, pupils will discover the lives of key inspirational figures in history, arts, music, design, science and sports.
On Thursday 6th March, pupils are invited to dress up as their favourite book characters or as inspirational people from the books.
The link below will show some examples of the different books in the series:
If your child is within primary school age, they will be sent home with a £1 book token that can either be exchanged for one of the World Book Day £1 books in local retailers or they can use it to get £1 off any book over any £2.99.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher or myself through the school office.
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