Foxfields Academy is part of C.I.T Academies
0116 344 0343

Who’s Who

Foxfields Academy

Meet the Foxfields team…

Ashley Caress

Executive Headteacher 

Ashley joined Foxfields in August 2022. Prior to this, Ashley held multiple different senior leadership positions in a large special school in Lincolnshire. At Foxfields, Ashley is responsible for the strategic leadership of the school and working alongside the Senior Leadership Team in regards to their roles. Ashley is also the Headteacher of Bowman Academy in Shepshed and splits his time between the two schools. Ashley holds the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) and is a trained Designated Safeguarding Lead for Leicestershire. 

Ali Williams

Deputy Headteacher

Ali joined Foxfields in January 2024. Prior to this, Ali held multiple different senior leadership positions in schools within Leicester City. Ali also set up multiple Designated Specialist Provisions for children with SEMH needs across Leicester City. At Foxfields, Ali is responsible for strategically leading the whole school curriculum, having overview for the quality of education and ensuring robust quality assurance processes are in place. Additionally, Ali is the Designated LAC Teacher. In his role, Ali works closely with middle leaders in regards to their TLR’s. Ali holds the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) and is a trained Designated Safeguarding Lead for Leicestershire.

Louise Lewis

Assistant Headteacher/SENCO

Louise joined Foxfields in August 2022. Prior to this, Louise was the SENCO in a Leicestershire Primary School. At Foxfields, Louise is responsible for leading the EHCP Review Process and managing transitions. Louise also supports the staff team in ensuring that pupils needs are being met in accordance with their plans and leads LAC interventions across the school. Louise holds the National Award for SEN Co-ordination (NASENCo) and is a trained Designated Safeguarding Lead for Leicestershire.

Scott Hamilton

Assistant Headteacher

Scott joined Foxfields in August 2020. Prior to this, Scott worked in a large mainstream secondary school in Warwickshire. At Foxfields, Scott is responsible for the day-to-day operational leadership of the school. Scott leads on behaviour and has designed and implemented a bespoke tracking system which assesses pupil progress in regards to their SEMH needs. Scott also leads on careers, personal development and oversees the school therapy provision. Scott is a trained Designated Safeguarding Lead for Leicestershire.

Charlotte Measures

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Charlotte joined Foxfields in May 2023. Prior to this, Charlotte has worked in two mainstream secondary schools in Leicestershire. At Foxfields, Charlotte is responsible for safeguarding and child protection. Charlotte leads on staff training and works closely with other leaders and all staff to ensure that safeguarding and pastoral care is at the forefront of every day life at Foxfields. Charlotte is a trained Designated Safeguarding Lead for Leicestershire.   

Ruth Lloyd

Home School Liaison Officer

Ruth joined Foxfields in August 2023. Prior to this, Ruth has worked at the University of Leicester and a mainstream secondary school in Leicestershire. At Foxfields, Ruth is responsible for working with the whole school community to support and improve attendance. Ruth tracks and analyses attendance and implements relevant interventions/support packages where needed. Ruth works very closely with other leaders to ensure that attendance is a key priority. Ruth is a trained Designated Safeguarding Lead for Leicestershire. 

Abigail Hodson

Animal Care Lead

Philippa Godley

Senior Administrator & Clerk to the Local School Board

Tom Bland

School Operations Manager

Saskia Godley

Finance Administrator

Scott Forty

Site Manager

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